Steve Dodson

I have spent some 20+ formative years in the Paria area. It is a difficult but rewarding place to live and the enormous vastness of the land combined with living in what has been to me an alien culture has humbled me in more ways than one. Foremost in my thoughts is being a good person and treating others right, forgetting about our differences and working on the common ground we all share, and respecting each other and the world we live in as well.
Oh, well, I always said jokingly, I moved to Paria because I thought it was pronounced Pariah, which is how I often feel here. That is why I try so hard to please people on our tours and I truly look forward to spending the day with all kinds of great folks, sharing stories and helping them see and understand this beautiful area.
Susan Dodson

I am blessed to live and work in this beautiful area. All my life I have loved God, animals, nature and been an outdoor enthusiast. I learned stewardship and outdoor skills while family camping, fishing with my Dad, and growing up in Girl Scouts. As an adult, I have tried to pass this on to the next generation as a teacher, troop leader and summer camp counselor. Later, as a biologist, I led research teams for weeks in remote field studies. The vastness of these new National Monuments holds both treasures and hazards for both visitors and the environment. Leave no trace ethic will allow us to visit and enjoy sensitive and delicate natural wonders for years to come. It will be my privilege to facilitate your wilderness adventure. It is my hope that the peace, serenity, beauty, and wonder you experience will remain with you as a source of strength and inspiration.
Mike Leinen

Mike Leinen is a photography specialist. He will assist serious to beginner photographers with guidance, instruction, and example to capture the best light, angles and features for stunning photos of our area. Mike has been a professional photographer for over 30 years . His favorite subject is wildlife. Also an avid outdoorsman, Mike has spent weeks to months in the wilds of Yellowstone and Alaska capturing photos of wolves, grizzlies and documenting caribou migration. Mike has published in magazines, shot catalog and stock photography, covered sports events and weddings. He and his wife Jean sold their photography store (film developing, printing) and gallery near Jackson, WY and retired in the Paria area about 15 years ago. Mike will be available during photography workshops.